Shop Update: February, 2023

In order to make 2023 more lean and streamlined, I have decided to combine both shops into one. This decision did not come easily. Both of these stores have been separate for going on three years, and the thought of combining the two weighed heavily. I will have to change my packaging, my business license, my business cards, plus all of the other the behind-the-scene items that no one ever sees except for me. Why put myself through this? Please continue to read below

Keeping Costs Down

I currently have two separate shop accounts, meaning that I've spent approximately $650 for annual memberships. In mid-January, 2023 we received notification that the annual membership was going up in price, and there was no way I was going to fork out extra money to pay for two separate annual subscriptions.

Success is Everything

Being a successful small business owner is very important to me, but I couldn't support one store without sacrificing the other. Having them combined into one store will allow me to better focus on the quality of my products, not to mention creating content that I enjoy sharing with all of you.

This Ain't Etsy

Etsy was constantly hammering us over the head stating that you have to have a niche store to stand out, you have to be selling products in a similar category, etc., etc., etc., blah, blah, blah... and I believed that for the longest time. That may work for the Etsy platform, but it doesn't make sense to continue that type of thinking on Shopify.

Peace of Mind

I have a very demanding full-time job, so everything that I needed to do with both businesses were conducted during nights and weekends. Factor in all the social media posts on multiple platforms along with product development, photoshoots, writing copy, etc., I had absolutely no time off for myself, which made burnout a very real possibility. My schedule will still be full, but much more manageable.

Wonderful Changes

This transition will take a few months to complete, but it's the best move for my small business, and for my peace of mind. 

Stay amazing!


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